Thursday, December 4, 2008


So my last post stated how messy the kitchen was and how I couldn't stand it. It was true. Not even 24 hours after that post I went crazy and cleaned the whole kitchen, cabinet doors or not. I organized my cupboards, cleaned out the fridge, swept, mopped, everything. It stayed clean the next day and then the day after that got messy again because we started painting some more. It's ok though because now it's clean again and the cabinets are all painted. We still need to paint the walls but I am so happy to have the cabinets done I had to put up some pictures.Jake's fabulous idea for painting the doors without having to put news paper everywhere. He put things under them (by things i mean boxes of cake or pasta, Tupperware, tool boxes, whatever he could find really. So we had a row of doors in our kitchen. It worked out pretty good and I only had to scape a little paint off the floor. TA DA!! CLOSE-UP (It's a little discolored in the picture)


Brady and Cece Kimball Family said...

Hey I think it looks good. We will have to come up and see the house now with all the changes you have done. The pictures I'm sure do not do it justice.

McGuireFamily said...

They look great, I thought they were white??? How did you get the other color, I really really like it!!! Good Job!!

Allyson said...

Good job have such nice taste!

Jake and Alyssa said...

Thank you for the comments and in reply to Mel's comment...They are white...well, more like a creamy color and then i put stain on them (a red mohagany sp? color). And just a note on that...the first one is fun. After that the stain smell starts to get to you, you get a head ache and it isn't fun!