Sunday, August 9, 2009

2 years - already!

Well, believe it or not it has been 2 years since that wonderful day when Jake and I got married. 2 years! I can hardly believe it. Time really does fly when you're havin' fun! And it's been a blast! I can't wait to see what the future brings and I hope that they are just as great as the past two years, if not better! I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo super duper lucky to have Jake. I couldn't have dreamed up a better man. Cohoon's-thank you soo much for not only raising this wonderful guy but also letting me have him and be a part of your family. I'm happier than I have ever been, and that's the truth.
It's amazing to think that after two years I'm still telling people that "we have yet to have our 'big fight'". (and let's hope it never does happen). Jake is so patient and understanding and never does anything to upset me if he can help it. (besides tickling me until i want to cry-grr) We have already made so many memories together- vacations, time with family, our date nights, just hanging out, fixing up our house, getting sealed, etc. I just love it, every minute of it!
I think one of the biggest things I am thankful for when it comes to being married to Jake is how much he has strengthened my testimony. (I know that the past two fast sunday's I've had that nagging 'get up and bear your testimony' feelings...and yet, I just can't do it. Too much stage fright I guess. So maybe I'll post it on here, no stage fright and knowing that my family and friends will be the ones that hear it is comforting.)

I grew up going in the church, going to church, all that fun stuff...but I never really thought about my testimony a lot. I just always knew the church was true. And I thought that's all a testimony was about, knowing the church was true. Well, in the past few months I've realized that sometimes having a testimony about something in the church helps you to realize why you know the church is true. For me that something is the priesthood. I grew up a little different than most people that grow up in the church. I didn't always have someone in my house to give me priesthood blessings and use the priesthood power like they teach in church. So although I had been giving priesthood blessings I never really had that much of a testimony about it.

I love love LOVE that Jake is a priesthood holder. As many of you may recall I had an allergic reaction (we think) to the birth control I was on only a week after Jake and I got married. In that situation the first thing Jake did was get his mom (a nurse), as soon as she said I should be taken to the ER I started freaking out even more (I am VERY afraid of hospitals, needles, etc.)

Next thing I knew Jake and his dad were getting ready to give me a blessing. While I was screaming in pain (or so I was told, I don't remember) Dave and Jake gave me the blessing. We got to the ER and I don't remember the needle hurting when they put it in my arm, I wasn't scared of whatever the doctors were going to do to me or anything.

After running the blood tests we found out that I had pancreasitis (spell check). And the weird thing...I wasn't in any more pain, at all. And when you have pancreasitis protocol is that they put you in the hospital with an IV because of the pain and you aren't allowed to eat or drink for like 3 days. And I was fine. The doctor didn't know what to do, and didn't know why I wasn't in anymore pain. Jake just smiled and whispered "priesthood blessing" in my ear. It was such a comforting thought.

After that we spent a lot of time in the hospital my mom and his dad who were in and out for awhile. During that time my testimony grew even more, every time he or his brothers gave his dad a blessing or he and my step dad gave my mom a blessing. It grows every time Jake says something that I would expect a priesthood holder to say. A priesthood holder that I know will be there to bless my children and keep the church as an important part of our household. Seeing Bobby bless Landon recently was amazing and sort of gave me a preview of what it will be like, and the spirit I'll be able to feel when we have children.

Not only has my testimony about priesthood grown but also my testimony about temples. Growing up not being sealed to anyone brought a lot of mixed feelings for my testimony. At first it was "I have to marry in the temple because I'm not sealed to anyone and i need to be" and then later "i don't know what the importance of being sealed is because I'm not sealed to anyone, so does it really matter?" And the closer Jake and I got to being sealed in the temple the more I realized how important it really is and how important temples are. The greatest feeling in the world is being sealed to Jake. Not only to know that he is there, forever, no matter what, but also to know that I get to be sealed to his wonderful, my wonderful family as well.

I thank Jake all the time for "saving" me. For finding me when I needed him the most. Because I know that if Heavenly Father wouldn't have put him right in front of me at that very moment and if Jake wouldn't have been so persistent in being with me, I would be in a very dark place in life. No one but me can or will ever understand how important Jake really is to me and how thankful I am for every little thing he does for me. I am so thankful that I got to marry a return missionary who holds the priesthood, would do anything in the world for me, and most of all loves me soo much!


Mason Family Blog :) said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Alyssa I am almost crying right now!!! That was the sweetest thing I have ever heard!! You are such a good person!!! I have always looked up to you and this is why!! Now, we need to get together!! Our new place is in Orem so it is closer!! Are you still living in Provo?

Allyson said...

That was a wonderful testimony Alyssa! We sure think you so wonderful for Jake too! I am so happy that you two have found each other and that you share a wonderful love. The Church will only bring you happiness, this I can testify. Thanks for sharing this with us. Love you!

Brady and Cece Kimball Family said...

Hey Lyssa, that was great!!!! Your dad and I believe we could not have picked someone more perfect for you out of a catalog. We love you both!!!! And I am so glad you now know what it is we have always tried to teach you. You are a great person and both of you will make great parents some day(no pressure)!!