Tuesday, May 26, 2009

whiney little me

So much has been happening and sadly I can't post any pictures. As I've said before we only have internet on jakes phone so pictures are a no go, not to mention how long this takes because a blackberry's key board is tiny. So I'll just briefly list some things and hope that one day we'll have internet again. May 16 jake and I were sealed for all of time and eternity in the mt timpanogos temple. It was a fantastic day!! May 20 bobby and emily had their adorable baby boy, landon craig cohoon. Wish I had pics! May 24 our first day teaching nursery. If you haven't heard already yes, we just got called to be in the nursery. It was so much fun! (At least I thought so). Just so happened that it was memorial day weekened so we had visitors! Let's just say 2 hours goes by a lot slower with 13 two year olds! Well, that's all for now but cross your fingers that I'll have real internet soon so I can post all of the fun things coming up this summer!