Friday, February 13, 2009

Another Finished Project!

This week we decided to remodel our fire place. I found some ideas in magazines, used my imagination and drew up the plans for our perfect fire place. After that Jake got to work and made my idea come to life and it is beautiful!

The "before" picture. And in case you're thinking "Why remodel? That's a beautiful fire place!" Let me show you some up-close pictures.

As you can see it's not that pretty.

Covered in paint, crayon, and whatever else was on it, not to mention some chips in the brick that wasn't so pretty.

This is a little more than half finished. We painted the brick step and what surrounds the fire place, covered the bottom in wood, added to the mantel piece, and put sheet rock on the top. Jake does a wonderful job!The finished project!

And the final look...still missing some decor but that's pretty much it. It looks better up-close and personal so come over and take a look! We love visitors!


Allyson said...

Wow looks great guys. You are both amazing. I would never undertake a project like that. Next time we come in town, I think we need to pay you a visit!

Mason Family Blog :) said...

oh my gosh that looks so flipping good. You have like the cuttest house in the whole world!

Jake and Alyssa said...

thanks guys and yes you all need to pay us a visit!!

Ashley Dudley said...

lookin good! can't wait for you to come see our house!

K. Bitton said...

oh my heck! You guys are making us want to remodel a house so bad! You do such a great job!!

Jennifer said...

You two are amazing! That looks wonderful!

Dave said...

You two are leaving me in the dust. Now I've got to find another project--maybe the gun case.

Love Dad