Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Jaysen Chase Cohoon


          Seems like everyone we know either thought it was a girl or wanted a girl even though they thought it was a boy. We didn't care either way. A girl would be fun but we already have all the boy stuff we need.
         Needless to say we were not surprised. The joke is that Cohoon's only have boys. Out of 11 grandchildren there are 3 girls so that seems about right. The Cohoon name lives on!
         And speaking of names I thought I would tell the story of Jaysen's name. As some of you know I like to have the name all picked out before we find out the gender. I was the same way with Kyler only we had our boy and girl name picked out before I even got pregnant. Kyler's middle name wasn't set until about the week before but we knew he was Kyler. This time was a little different. Of course we still had our girl name from last time but we were so undecided on a boy name. It seemed like everything I suggested to Jake he would say no to, and he had almost no suggestions. I know he wasn't worried about it because we have plenty of time but I like to be prepared.
         One night I couldn't sleep and I just started thinking about names. We already had the idea of using Jaysen/Jayson as a middle name but couldn't come up with a first name. In my half awake-ness I decided I really did like Jaysen as a first name and liked it spelled with -en instead of -on. I already knew I wanted the Y just to mix things up a bit. I had seen it spelled that way a few times and liked how it looked. Some people say I have this thing with the letter Y. I don't know why but I probably do. Maybe because there is a Y in my name?
         Anyway, the next day I told Jake that I really liked the name Jaysen and I wanted Chase to be the middle name. He agreed! I was thrilled. That was about a week before my ultrasound and even though we had been going back and forth on names I knew that was it when he said he liked it.
         Jaysen is after Jake's oldest brother, Jason, who passed away when he was about 3 years old. We thought it would be a nice way to honor not only him but Jake's parents as well. They are some of the most wonderful people I know and I know that must have been one of the hardest things any parent could have gone through.
         Chase is a Kimball family name. Beginning with Heber Chase Kimball and being passed down through the generations. My brother, William, has the middle name Chase. My dad's middle name starts with C but I guess my grandma just didn't want Chase for some reason. My grandfather's middle name is Chase and so is his father's middle name. There is one more generation it skipped with David Patton Kimball, but then his father is Heber Chase Kimball. I've always really liked the name and knew that someday I would give it to one of my son's for a middle name. And that's how it happened. Jaysen Chase Cohoon.
          At our ultrasound he was being very shy. We were scared we wouldn't be able to tell the gender but luckily he moved in time. He is definitely a boy, no question there. Everything looks good and he is measuring right where he needs to be. The ultrasound tech said he looked to be about 12 oz right now. Right on track - and yet he is still so tiny! He kept covering his face with his hands so we never got a good look but it was so cute to see him being so shy. Then he turned and his face was to my back so we really couldn't see anything. It makes me wonder what his personality will really be like. I remember when we did Kyler's ultrasound, they weren't able to get all the measurements they needed because he was too wiggly. Kicking all over the place and squirming around. I'm anxious to see if Jaysen is like Kyler at all or if they will be complete opposites.
          I'm half way through this pregnancy and I know the rest of the time will seem the longest. Now that I know it is a boy and we have his name I am so anxious to meet him. June seems like such a long ways a way but I know it will be here before I know it.

Can't wait to kiss those little toes!!


courtney said...

So exciting!! Little Jaysen is going to be SO CUTE!! That's so funny that he was being shy, it'll be interesting to see if that sticks!! Yay for June babies!!!

Monica said...

So fun! I love the story of his name.