Monday, October 7, 2013

Kyler's Birthday - Post 1

Because I didn't do a party for Kyler this year we decided to celebrate with everyone separately and therefore I plan on having multiple posts about his birthday.

His birthday was on Friday, Oct 4. That day he got to go to his new baby sitter's house and play with his new friends. Then, when daddy got home from work he got to open his present from Jennifer. I promised her pictures so that is a big reason for this post.

"Cheese!" I read the card which said "Happy Birthday, Kyler. -BIRD" He then read it like this, "Happy Birthday, I love you."


Almost done opening...


"Cheese!" (He was very in to picture taking.)


"I luv him, mom. My giraffe." (This picture was not posed. He did it all on his own. That wasn't the only time I caught him hugging it.

We found some penny's.

Learning about how it works.

"This is fun!"

He loves it! He doesn't quite understand that it is to 'store' your money. He just has fun putting it in and taking it out. But he likes it and that is what matters. Thank you, Jen Bird!

1 comment:

The Cummings Family said...

Such cute pictures! I'm so very glad that he liked it, and his interpretation of the card is pretty accurate.