Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Camping Trip!

Technically, this was our second camping trip of the year, however, I don't have pictures from the first one and it really wasn't all that great... We wanted to go up to Payson Lakes, but they weren't open yet. So, we went up AF canyon and found a nice little camping spot. We got all set up and had a yummy dinner and roasted marshmallows. Then we went to bed....with Nala. She had never been camping before. I think she was a little scared and confused. As Jake put it "she was shaking like a Little Caesar's sign." Needless to say the 3 of us didn't get much sleep. At around midnight it started raining. And it didn't stop...until sometime the next day. Our tent started leaking around 9am and we figured we'd better pack up when we realized the rain probably wasn't letting up and i couldn't go without food for much longer. Only bringing food that has to be cooked and having no canopy to cook under wasn't so great. Anyway, we packed up and came home.

Our next camping trip was a million times better. We went up to Payson Lakes. It was so beautiful up there and the camp grounds are really nice (can't say so much for the bathrooms but it's camping so ya just gotta live with it). We went with some friends from Jake's work, Ed and Megan. And we didn't bring Nala this time.
I'd say it was the perfect first camping trip. The weather was perfect the whole time and there weren't very many bugs at all. We went fishing both days and Jake and Ed got to have fish for lunch. Everyone caught a few fish (Jake caught over 15 between both days-he only kept the ones to eat though) except me. I caught zero. I had fun though, and that's what matters. And I did get to gut the fish, so that was exciting for me. (Might sound a little crazy to you but I was excited because I hadn't gutted one in awhile. I used to go fishing with my grandpa all the time and when my younger cousins got grossed out by the dead fish I was put in charge of gutting them.)

We also had some camp ground friends! A few chip monks and pot guts/prairie dogs were playing in our camp ground. They were not shy and got really close to us!

We went on a fun little hike to Grotto Trail. There is a water fall at the end and it was so pretty! I think we want to make it a tradition to go to Payson Lakes for our first camping trip of the year every year. It really was one of the best camping trips I've ever been on!

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