Monday, June 17, 2013

Jaysen is Here!!

Jaysen has finally made his arrival and we couldn't be more happy! He is so precious, happy, and healthy. He has been a good eater right from the start and I really hope it stays that way. He is only 6 days old but so far he is a great baby. And now time for his birth story. Granted, this is labor, and this is so that I don't have to write it in my journal. It will contain all the gory details.

First, a little background. Jaysen's due date was 6-20-13. I had my last doctor's appointment on Tuesday, 6-4-13. At that appointment I was dilated to 3 cm and 60 % effaced. That made me excited to know that I was getting closer but at the same time I knew that it didn't mean a lot. I was dilated to a 4 with Kyler for 4 days before I had him so I knew I had to be patient. That night I had some contractions and they got as close as 5 min apart only not very consistent. I made sure I had as much ready as I could just in case we went to the hospital soon.

I went to bed at 10:30 and it seemed like the contractions started slowing down. By morning they had stopped. So it was off to work and back to life. The rest of the week was pretty normal, a few contractions here and there throughout the week. By the weekend I was getting tired and annoyed because the contractions were getting stronger but not any closer. Not to mention just having to have patience when everyone was asking about my progress. I did as much walking as I could on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

I went to bed on Monday thinking about my to-do list for the next day. At 1:30 I woke up with contractions. They were about 20 min apart and I tried to sleep but every time I had one I woke up so I could time it. Soon they were 15 min and then 10. About every 3 or 4 were strong and the rest I could hardly feel. By 3:30 they were around 5 min apart. They started getting stronger and it was about 4:00 that I decided I should at least wake Jake up. I told him we should probably start getting ready. He rolled over like he didn't believe me. I waited until after the next contraction and then told him again that it was time to get up. He asked me how far apart and how long the contractions were, mostly because I  think he was trying to convince me he could sleep longer. It didn't work and I told him we should at least get everything packed up just in case. As we were getting ready they were getting stronger and sometimes only 2 1/2 min apart. It took us about an hour to get up and packed and get everything in the car.

We decided to take Kyler to Jake's parents since they were close by. As we got closer to the hospital (Orem Community) - which is about 5 min before his parents house- I told Jake I wanted to go to the hospital first and have someone come pick Kyler up from there. My contractions were getting stronger and stronger and now that we were headed to the hospital I had stopped timing. Jake convinced me that it was only an extra 10 min and we would hurry. I wasn't worried about the baby coming too soon, I was just in a lot of pain. We dropped Kyler off and then finally made it to the hospital around 5:30.

As we pulled up I had a contraction that brought me to tears. That never happened with Kyler. The only time I cried with him was when I got my IV put in. And I remember having bad contractions but the pain was manageable. I mean I was at the hospital 8 hours before I decided I was tired and might as well get an epidural. Anyway, we got into the admitting room and the nurse said I was at a 4. I was started thinking, great, he is posterior like Kyler was and I'm not going to progress very quickly. At this point I would just like to take a moment to thank the nurse. She showed Jake how to push on my legs to help relieve the pain from the contractions. It was a life saver.

They decided to admit me and my doctor was already at the hospital so that was a plus. The only bad thing was that it was shift change so getting to a room took a little longer than normal. Before I got to my room the nurse asked me what my "pain goal" was. Meaning what number would I have to be at before I would want an epidural. I told her a 7 and that I was at about a 5 at the time. By the next couple of contractions I decided I was at a 6 and by the time she came to check on me again I was at a 7 and telling Jake to get me the epidural. As soon as we got to the room the nurse started my IV. I asked her to numb it first and I think that helped a little because it wasn't too painful and she did a great job. Within about 5 min the anesthesiologist was there and setting up to do my epidural. I was so grateful for that.

I'm not sure how far apart they were but those contractions were so painful. It's funny because my sister-in-law and I were talking about labor a few weeks prior and she was saying how contractions were the worst pain she had ever felt. I disagreed because with Kyler they really didn't seem that bad and even right up until I had the epidural I was doing ok, pain wise. Anyway, I know what she means now. Worst. Pain. Ever. So they started the epidural and I was so relieved. With Kyler I swear it only took 5 min, tops, and I didn't feel anything because I was more focused on the contractions. This time was not like that. I was in so much pain I couldn't arch my back just right and he was having trouble getting it in. I just wasn't relaxed enough between having contractions and trying not to think about the giant needle going into my back. At one point I thought I was going to break Jake's thumb off because I was squeezing so hard, trying not to move during a contraction. After what seemed like an eternity, although, it was more like 20 min, the epidural was in and I could feel the medicine starting to work. The nurse checked me again and I was shocked to hear that I was at a 6 and I had only been there an hour and a half. Not long after that my doctor came in and broke my water. He checked me and said I was at a 7. Once again, thanking the nurse for being so positive about my progression and saying I didn't need the Pitocin and I could have him within the hour. (If you know Kyler's birth story you would know that the nurse was not helpful at all in telling me with a frowny face that I was still only at a 5 - which burst my bubble and that's when I put my hands in the air and said just give me the epidural.)

The next time she came in I was at an 8 and not much longer it was a 9. The hour was up and she said I was just about there. I was at a 9 for another half hour or so and she said it was because the cervix was stuck on part of his head and just didn't want to budge. She talked to the doctor and decided to hook me up to a little Pitocin, hoping that would help to just push him down the little bit that was needed. I got all hooked up and she had me push a few times, trying to get that last centimeter. By this time I was excited to be getting so close and at the same time nervous because I was so tired I didn't know if I would have the energy to push. Between the times she was having me push I was falling asleep. Finally she decided I was close enough and went to get the doctor. This was a little after 10:00 am.

I loved the epidural. It was different from the first one I had, which gave me no feeling, what-so-ever. This one took the edge off and made it so I couldn't feel the contractions at all, just pressure. The doctor came in and checked me and said that the reason he was stuck at a 9 for so long was because he was sideways instead of face down. He had me do one push and he flipped him around. Then he started getting ready to deliver. I remember feeling a lot of pressure and having to breathe through the contraction in order to not push. Jake was sure to tell me that I couldn't push because no one was there to catch him yet.

Next thing I knew the doctor was ready and we were just waiting for the next contraction so that I could push. The first one came and I pushed 4 times and then we waited for the next one. I found it so funny how calm things were. Everyone just patiently waiting and me trying to not fall asleep and the doctor talking to the nurse about how he wants to sell his house in a couple years. It went like this through 2 more contractions and then his head was out. The next contraction came and out he came, 10:34 am. About 10 min worth of pushing. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

And there he was, the cutest little purple, slimy blob I have ever seen. And so much hair! I was expecting a bald baby. Kyler was pretty bald except the very back of his head. And his hair was light brown. Jaysen has dark hair, just enough to cover his little head. Granted he wasn't born with as much hair as I have seen on some babies, but for my baby that was a lot.

Next, we made all the phone calls and sent all the texts out to let everyone know he was here. And after that I decided to try and feed him, a goal I had set after having Kyler. When Kyler was born I waited to feed him for awhile and I think that's why he had a hard time nursing, at first. Jaysen did great and latched on the very first time. I was so happy. The rest of the day with filled with visitors, returning text messages, feeding the baby, and counting down the minutes until I could sleep.

Kyler came with my sisters and wasn't so sure about the whole thing at first. He wanted nothing to do with me. I really don't blame him. I was in a hospital bed hooked up to all this weird stuff. I wouldn't want anything to do with me either. He kissed Jaysen on the head but I don't know if he actually understood who he was, just that he was a baby. By that evening, when he came back, he had started to warm up to me and was starting to understand that the baby was Jaysen. I think he is still wrapping his head around the fact that it is the same baby that was in my tummy. He has pointed to my fat gut a few times saying, "Jaysen" and then pointing to the baby, "Jaysen, two Jaysen's." I've had to explain that the baby came out of my tummy and there is only one Jaysen.

We are all adjusting well and I'm starting to get more sleep. Jaysen has some jaundice but other than that he is doing just great. We are so lucky to have two wonderful sons in our lives.


The Cummings Family said...

I know that you told me the story, but I still loved reading it. I'm glad I got to meet Jaysen via Skype, and I can hardly wait until I meet him in person! I'm so proud of you. I know that you hate hospitals and pain and needles, but you are so strong!

Monica said...

Thanks for sharing your birth story! I love reading them. I'm glad you're all doing well!