Saturday, November 29, 2008

Messy Kitchen

We are painting our kitchen cabinet's. What we thought was a cool idea we saw in the store turned into a big head ache and now a big mess. We saw a bathroom vanity in Lowe's and I fell in love with it so we decided we should paint our kitchen to look like it. Pretty easy right? That's what we thought. We still haven't figured out how they did it but there are a few spots on it that look "crackled" so that it is antiqued. No, it's not crackle, it doesn't look the same. Then Jake got the genius idea that they burned the paint with a blow torch and it dried really fast and that's what made it bubble. It was perfect and we decided that's exactly what they did. We went home and tried it...nope. It didn't work again. So after reading books, looking online, testing over and over I decided I didn't like it as much and we should just paint and stain them and forget about the stupid crackle. So that's what we did. It's been 4 days of painting here and there and we're only about half way done. Which is just fine and dandy except as many of you know I tend to be a clean freak (not that my house is always perfect but I try my hardest) and I get anxiety when things are a huge mess. My kitchen is a HUGE mess.
Our laundry room (below) aka cabinet painting station.
My fabulous idea of how to paint all the drawers at the same time and not have to empty them or have them spread out all over the house. I was very proud of myself for thinking it up.


Mason Family Blog :) said...

I bet it will look so great when you are done! It will be worth the mess!

Allyson said...

Nice! yes I'm a neat freak too! Won't it be nice when its all done.......

Hey What do you want for Christmas.....Let me know ASAP!!!

love ya!

Jennifer said...

Isn't painting stuff a pain sometimes? At first it is fun, but then you just get sick of it and want it to be over. I'm really proud of you for coming up with the stacking idea, and I'll use it next time I paint. You can bet on it! I missed you while I was in Vermont.

Dave said...

You should have seen our kitchen when we remodeled. We were pretty much out of a kitchen for a month. But it will be worth it. Dad