Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Jakey

I was tagged by Cece to answer the following questions about my husband, Jake.

#1. Where did you meet your husband?
We met at Dudley's house for a blind (sorta) date.
#2. How long did you date before you got married?
Does that include being engaged? If so, 3 1/2 months. We were engaged after dating 3 weeks.
#3. How long have you been married?
From today (11-20-08) it's been 1 year, 3 months and 11 days.
#4. What does he do that surprises you?
Cleans. Most men don't help out a lot with cleaning the house, and if they do you just have to re-do it. Jake actually does the dishes and laundry (that doesn't including putting it away) and he doesn't mind vacuuming the living room. He'll sweep and mop if I ask him too but I'm picky about it so he usually just let's me take care of it. Oh, and he makes pretty much every meal. If he's home to cook it, he'll cook it. I hardly ever make food for myself - his choice. I'm spoiled.
#5. What is your favorite feature of his?
His eyes. They're pretty. Actually, when we first started dating he had blue contacts so his eyes were a dark blue color. The first time I saw him without contacts I about died. He has the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. After that I told him he wasn't allowed to get color contacts. I hope our kids get his beautiful brown eyes.
#6. What is your favorite quality?
Like EVERYTHING! haha, he is just so sweet to me all the time. Even when I'm not in a good mood he tries his hardest to make me happy.
#7. Does he have any nick names for you?
Too many to list. There's the usual, honey, baby, sweety, beautiful, etc. And then there's baby-waby, lyssy, and I think it's cute when he calls me baby doll, I'm not sure why.
#8. What is his favorite food?
PIZZA!! He could eat it for every meal, every day, and he was until he met me and I made his switch it up a bit. We have pizza every monday night and of course he has to have his frozen tostino's pizza's every now and then, oh and mini pizza pockets, and pizza hot pockets.
#9.What is his favorite sport?
To play or to watch? To play it would be hockey, even though he hasn't played for a long time because of his knee's. To watch it would have to be football - I'm learning to like it...or at least tolerate it.
#10. When and where did you first kiss?
Haha, it was the night we met so sometime in April of '07, at Dudley's house, on his cuddle bag.
#11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
We like to eat out a lot. Sometimes on dates with friends but usually just by ourselves. We go to Ruby River a lot for our date nights. If you were to ask him this question I think he would say we like to fix up our house. Which is fun but personally I think eating out is more romantic.
#12. Do you have any kids?
Just our puppy Nala. Maybe we'll have kids in a few years...a FEW...that means 2 or more, just so you all know.
#13. Does he have any hidden talents?
He really likes to work with wood. He likes to build and refinish things and they always turn out beautifully. Oh and he is very funny. A lot of people don't know it but he can do amazing impersonations of Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler, and a few other people but those 2 are my favorites.
#14. How old is he?
He is 27 (and just for those of you that know how old I am and don't want to do the math, it's about a 6 1/2 year difference. It just makes it fun because we grew up in different times.)
#15. Who said "I love you" first?
Jake. And he reminds me that every now and then. He said it after about 3 days, I think it was. I said it back almost a week later. I just wasn't as sure as he was I guess. Plus, his was sort of an "accident". He said it when was saying bye to me on the phone one night and then text me right after "Do you realize I just said "I love you"?" It was so cute.
#16. What is his favorite kind of music.
He likes country but for some reason hasn't listened to it since we've been married. He also really likes Metallica, which was a big turn on because that's what was in his car the first time he drove me somewhere. When he's in the car by himself he just listens to what I call "Blah" aka 1160 AM talk show stuff.
#17. What do you admire most about him?
How he is so caring and loving, to everyone. He loves his family so much. He gives the best hugs and my moms love it (maybe cuz I don't hug them enough, I don't know) and I love how sweet he is with my little siblings and his nieces and nephews. He is going to be a great dad, which I am so excited for (but that doesn't mean we're having kids soon!).
#18. What is his favorite pass time?
TV, watching TV, oh, and did I mention TV? As he would say "It relaxes me". I'm not a big TV watcher, I just get bored. He could watch it all day long and be just fine.
#19.Will he read this?
If he does it will only be because I'll tell him I updated the blog and he has to look. He's not as into the whole blogging thing. I like the computer, he likes the TV (which is fine by me, more time on his lap top for me!)
#20. Who do you tag?
I am going to tag.................Emily Mason and Allyson.

1 comment:

Allyson said...

I agree he is great!!